
Beaches and natural pools

The coast of Debabarrena

All along the Deba and Mutriku coasts, there is a beach to suit everyone.

The beaches








Santiago beach

Cala Sakoneta


Siete Playas

Mutriku beach

Cala Alcolea


Santiago beach

Close to downtown Deba and a great place for sunbathing and taking a dip. Right next to it, you Will find Lapari Beach, a surfer’s Paradise.


  • Parking
  • Lifeguard and rescue service
  • PA system
  • Showers and toilets
  • Bar
  • Beach and water sports area
  • Access ramps
  • Accessible services and assisted bathing
  • Webcam

Cala Sakoneta

A rocky cove in the heart of the Deba-Zumaia biotope protection area. Spectacular nature, plus a surfer and rambler paradise.
Services: no services available


The most western of all the beaches in Gipuzkoa and one of the most untouched and beautiful of them all. It includes a nudist section that is well hidden from prying eyes.


  • Parking
  • Lifeguard and rescue service
  • PA system
  • Showers and toilets
  • Bar
  • Access ramps
  • Webcam 

Siete Playas

A wild and rugged succession of unattended but truly beautiful rocky coves.

Services: No services available. Visitors are advised to exercise extreme caution and be aware of tide schedules, as there is no land exit when the tide rises.

Mutriku beach

A small stretch of sand between two seawater pools.


  • Parking
  • Lifeguard and rescue service
  • PA system
  • Showers and toilets
  • Bar
  • Beach and water sports area
  • Access ramps
  • Accessible services and assisted bathing

Cala Alkolea

. A pebbled beach that affords visitors fantastic views and is ideal for experienced surfers. Services:


A beach of fine, dark sand along the coastal path between Deba and Mutriku.


  • Parking
  • Lifeguard and rescue service
  • PA system
  • Showers and toilets
  • Bar
  • Access ramps

Natural pools

The new pool

The original pool

Playa de Deba Nombre

Playa de Deba Nombre

Playa de Deba Nombre

The new pool

A seawater pool next to the Mutriku beach.


  • Parking
  • Lifeguard and rescue service
  • PA system
  • Showers and toilets
  • Bar
  • Access ramps
  • Accessible services and assisted bathing

The original pool

A seawater pool next to the port.


  • Parking
  • Lifeguard and rescue service
  • PA system
  • Showers and toilets
  • Bar
  • Beach and water sports area
  • Access ramps
  • Accessible services and assisted bathing
  • Webcam

San Blas

Christmas is over, but in Debabarrena we continue to make winter as sweet as possible. On 3 February, we make the most popular treat in our traditional repertoire of cakes and biscuits: Tortas de San Blas (Saint Blaise biscuits). Come and try them!

The tradition of making biscuits to celebrate the Feast of Saint Blaise is not exclusive to Debabarrena, and is typical also in other parts of the Basque Country, such as Abadiño and Llodio.

In our region, however, many people still make these biscuits at home and then take them to church to be blessed. Saint Blaise is the patron saint of throat-related problems, which is why, according to popular belief, in addition to eating the biscuits, you should also take a piece of string to church to be blessed, and then wear it tied around your neck for nine days before burning it. This will provide protection against colds and other illnesses for an entire year.


For the dough:

  • 1 kg wheat flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 125 g pork lard (or butter or margarine)
  • ½ kg granulated sugar
  • 1 sachet of baking powder
  • 15 drops of aniseed essence

For the glaze:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 250 g icing sugar
  • 10 drops of lemon juice
  • 3 drops of aniseed essence


  • Preheat the oven to 180º C.
  • Place the flour on a clean worktop and push into a volcano shape.
  • Break the eggs into the dip in the centre and mix with your hands.
  • Add the lard (or butter or margarine) and knead.
  • Gradually add the sugar and aniseed essence.
  • Knead until the dough is no longer sticky.
  • Shape into a ball and leave to stand for at least half an hour at room temperature.
  • Sprinkle the worktop and a rolling pin with flour.
  • Divide the dough into small balls and squash them down to around half a centimetre in thickness.
  • Adjust the shape using a plate or tray.
  • For a fluted border, pinch round the edge.
  • Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for around 15-20 minutes, until the biscuits are golden brown but not toasted.
  • Meanwhile, for the glaze, beat the egg whites until stiff.
  • Still beating, add the icing sugar, lemon juice and aniseed essence until you have a dense white paste.
  • Spread the glaze over the still-warm biscuits using a spoon.