14.- Kerexeta
The burial mound has a diameter of 17 meters and a height of 0.30 m.
It was discovered by J.M. Barandiaran in 1920, and a year later he investigated it together with T. Aranzadi and E. Eguren. At the beginning of the investigation, the burial mound was 1.5 meters high and the slab was on one edge of the hole. At the end of the investigation it was found that the stone floor had holes. Other similar holes are also mentioned in other dolmens of Karakate, but it is not clear if these have been caused by looting work, or are part of the original structure. The structures and materials have been published in various research works: Aranzadi, Barandiaran and Eguren (1922), J. M. Barandiaran (1953), J. Elósegui (1953), Cartas arqueológicas de Gipuzkoa (1982, 1990), J. M. Apellániz (1973 ).
Only a few prehistoric materials were found: a sheet and a chip of spark stone. Along with these, modern materials: a piece of lead, slag, remains of fauna and pieces of crockery.
- Type
- Tumulua
- Date
- Neolithic-Bronze Age (4,000-1,500 BC) MUNICIPALITY
- Town
- Azkoitia
- Location
On the Kerexeta pass, on the southern slope of Irukurutzeta.