ELGOIBAR: machine and tool, working hand in hand

ELGOIBAR: machine and tool, working hand in hand

Elgoibar is mainly an industrial town, whose most important activity is machine tool production. Some artisan arms and shotgun industries still remain as a way of carrying on the traditional arms production of the area.

Machine-Tool Museum
Machine-Tool Museum

Elgoibar is also surrounded by beautiful mountains which provide the backdrop for some interesting outings. Between Karakate and Irukurutzeta, for example, there is a beautiful ridge formation which anthropologist Don José Miguel de Barandiaran called "The Dolmen Trail". This route is home to important archaeological sites, a highlight of which is the large number of dolmens and burial mounds.

The splendid baroque monuments of the Town Hall and the Church of San Bartolome are focal points in the life of the town, together with a number of old houses with an arcade, and a jai-alai court which closes off the space towards the river.
